The term “museum” is defined, but not protected. In order to strengthen museums in terms of cultural policy and underpin their social relevance, the German Museums Association published a new edition of the “Standards for Museums” in 2023. The guidelines show how museums can and should develop and professionalize themselves in the classic fields of activity - collecting, preserving, researching, exhibiting and communicating - but also in cross-cutting issues such as management.
Museum quality seals go one step further here by checking the implementation of internationally and/or nationally recognized standards, providing advice on further development and thus helping to raise the museum's profile on the one hand and constantly improve the visitor experience on the other.
Based on the release event initiated by the
German Museums Association
and the symposium
“Kennzeichen Museum !? Ways to ensure the quality of museum work”
, this year's training conference will explore the topic in greater depth. From the perspective of the German Museums Association, values and standards for museum work will be presented at the training conference. The chairwoman of the North and Baltic Sea Region Museum Association will shed light on the impact of a museum quality seal from the perspective of a certified institution. In open discussion formats, experiences in dealing with the standards for museums and museum quality seals will be exchanged and opportunities in their application discussed. As a result of the training conference, individual institution-strengthening standards can be specifically named. The needs-oriented networking of the participating representatives of the institutions will also be strengthened.
Program points:
from 9:00 a.m.: Arrival
Registration for the conference and the workshops is possible at the conference office.
Your contact persons on site: Sina Lorbeer-Klausnitzer and Kathrin Penndorf
10:00-11:30 a.m.: Welcome address
With Friederike Koch-Heinrichs, Chair of the Sächsischer Museumsbund e. V.,
Markus Geißenberger, welcome by host Messe Leipzig/MUTEC
Markus Franke, Head of the Art Department, Saxon State Ministry for Wissenscha??, Culture and Tourism
and impulses
Moderation: Friederike Koch-Heinrichs, Museum Director and Head of the Department of Archaeology at the Museum der Westlausitz
10:30-11:00 a.m.: Guideline standards for museums
With Mara Hofmann, Project Manager Publications and Events, Deutscher Museumsbund e. V.
The “Standards for Museums” guidelines provide an instrument and benchmark for the quality-oriented further development of museum work. The speaker will give an insight into the framework and presents the basic values for museums agreed in a participatory process.
11:00-11:30 a.m.: How does a museum quality seal change the processes in a museum - a practical report
With Dr. Christina Barilaro, Chairwoman of the North and Baltic Sea Region Museum Association - NOREVerband,
Lower Saxony State Museums Oldenburg, State Museum of Nature and Man Oldenburg
11:45 a.m.-13:30 p.m.: Tours through the MUTEC
13:30-14:30 p.m.: Lunch & coffee together*
*Costs are included in the conference fee
14:30-16:00 p.m.: Talking to each other, learning from each other and targeted networking
With Dr. Thorid Zierold, Consultant for Culture, City of Chemnitz
In workshop formats, topics relating to the standards for museums and the museum seal of approval will be examined and discussed on the basis of the experiences brought in by the participants themselves. Depending on the needs of the participants, the formats offered promote individual and targeted networking for the quality-oriented further development of museum work.
Workshop topics:
- What can a museum quality seal achieve vis-à-vis the sponsor and politics that written standards cannot?
Workshop leader: Andrea Riedel, Director of the Freiberg City and Mining Museum
- How can the standards be integrated into daily communication with the providers in an impact-oriented way? How do we use the standards to formulate arguments for our sponsors and politicians?
Workshop leader: Fanny Stoye, Museum Director Natural History Cabinet Waldenburg
- What are the fears and reservations about a museum seal of approval / what are the advantages?
Workshop leader: Dr. Christina Barilaro, Chairwoman of the Museum Association of the North and Baltic Sea Region -NORE Association, Lower Saxony State Museums Oldenburg, State Museum of Nature and Man Oldenburg
- Flash analysis of the application of museum standards and defined values.
With Sina Lorbeer-Klausnitzer, Museum Burg Mylau
16:00-16:30: Summary and conclusion
Note: With your exhibition pass you can visit MUTEC until 18:00.
Organizational notes:
Prior registration is required!
Conference fee: 35 € including trade fair pass and lunch (vegetarian stew, various sandwiches, fruit Danish pastries and panna cotta with raspberry sauce) including drinks
Registration: by e-mail to
(Please complete the following text for registration and send it by e-mail to:
Text module for registration:
- Title: Training conference 2024 of the Saxon Museum Association “Excellent? Standard and seal of approval in everyday museum life”
- Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024, binding registration to e-mail:
personal data
First name
personal e-mail:
Invoice address
E-mail of invoice recipient:
Street no:
Address suffix:
An invoice for payment of the conference fee will be sent to the above e-mail address or by post. After receipt of payment you will receive the registration information for your trade fair pass. The trade fair pass is mandatory for access to the conference room.