5 - 6 November 2026 MUTEC

Accessible rooms for everyone

Pitch event for the Museumsverband des Landes Brandenburg e.V.

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Thu 07. Nov

Short description

In this pitch event, companies specialising in barrier-free accessibility and museum design will introduce themselves. These include guidance systems for the blind, various software products for blind and visually impaired people, barrier-free signage and audio and multimedia guides that enable a museum visit for everyone.


Overview of the company presentations and the schedule:

11 a.m. Welcome & short introduction
With MUTEC and Dr. Manuela Gander - wiss. Consultant Museums Association Brandenburg

11:10 a.m. Truly accessible apps for diverse target groups with the KULDIG AppCreator
By KULDIG - Droid Solutions GmbH, Dennis Willkommen

11:20 a.m. MindTags indispensable for some, convenient for all
By MindTags Group GmbH, Stefan Wilke

11:30 a.m. How can museums become more inclusive for the hearing impaired with sign language? An overview with best practices
By Yomma GmbH, Henrik Müller

11:40 a.m. Guidance systems as a direct communication channel between space, time and people
By Empreinte Beschilderung UG, Gaëlle BARD

11:50 a.m. Tactile images - a challenge or an opportunity for museum education
By Laville Braille, Noëllie AULAS

12 p.m. The service platform for multilingual and inclusive productivity
By Fluent Planet, Thierry TAVAKELIAN

12:10 p.m. History for all senses at the Humboldt Forum: Designing an inclusive visitor tour
By TACTILE STUDIO UG, Cornélia Marang

12:20 p.m. From orientation plan to tactile model: Impulses for inclusive exhibition concepts
By Werk5 GmbH, Lena Wigger

12:30 p.m. TAKTILo® - Flexible orientation for all senses: Inclusive wayfinding for museums and exhibitions

12:40 p.m. to 1 p.m. Questions and answers

Information about the program

Event Location

Congress Center Leipzig, Lecture Room 11