Additional service packages

Service Package

Try our "Cleaning, Waste Disposal and Parking" Service Package. You can book it together with your exhibitor registration. Prices depending on the size of your stand (8 - 20 m² for 175.00 EUR, 21 - 30 m² for 210.00 EUR, 31 - 40 m² for 349.00 EUR, 41 - 50 m² for 384.00 EUR). The package includes:

  • daily evening cleaning of the stand (cleaning of floors and stand furnishings without exhibits)
  • bin bag set in 4 colours à 70 l including collection and disposal
    • for a stand size of up to 30 sqm: 1 bag set
    • for a stand size from 31 sqm: 2 bag sets
  • car/van parking up to 5 m in length in the exhibition grounds:
    • for a stand size of up to 30 sqm: 1 parking space
    • for a stand size from 31 sqm: 2 parking spaces

Action Area

Experience innovations up close - museum technology you can touch and try out

New at MUTEC: In addition to your booked stand at MUTEC, you have the opportunity to show your products/exhibits/technologies in action in a separate area. This allows our visitors to familiarise themselves directly with your products. The exhibits will be labelled with information about your company and refer to your stand.

Bring your innovations to life at MUTEC and book your space for € 250.00 plus VAT. To make a booking, please contact:

Ellina Zvigelskaya, Project Manager
Phone: 0341/ 678-8097