MUTEC 2022 is looking forward to you! Below you'll find all information you need for planning your stand.

Product profile

Building | Technology

  • Building concept | Architecture
  • Planning and consultancy
  • Special glas
  • Security technology
  • Fire Protection
  • Lighting systems
  • Environmental technology
  • Climate | Measuring technology
  • Analytical technology
  • Logistics and transport
  • Accessibility

Exhibition design

  • Conception | Scenography
  • Exhibition Systems
  • Showcases | Fittings
  • Walls | Partition wall systems
  • Hanging devices | Assembly
  • Picture frames | Gallery rods | Picture rails
  • Lighting technology
  • Effect technology
  • Model building | Exhibit building

Visitor services

  • Visitor guidance systems
  • Digital visitor guidance
  • Digital signage
  • Audioguides
  • Ticketing
  • Museum shop
  • Catering
  • Institutional publications
  • Didactics | Museum Pedagogics
  • Visitor analysis
  • Accessibility

Media presentation

  • Audio technology | Sound systems
  • Projection technology | Stereo 3D
  • Video technology | Film technology
  • Event technology
  • Photography | 360°-technologies
  • Virtual presentation
  • Interactive systems | Social media
  • Multimedia and new technologies
  • Augmented reality | Virtual reality
  • Mixed reality I Holograms

Museum Collections Management

  • Inventories | Exhibit administration
  • Documentation
  • Digitisation
  • Scan technology
  • Data management
  • Software | Apps

Archives | Depot

Storage rack systems

Protective packaging

Conservation materials


Inventories | Exhibit administration



Data management


Library technology

  • Library furnishings
  • Library equipment
  • Information technology
  • Scan technology
  • Archiving systems

Stage technology | Stage equipment

Stage planning

Stages and stage elements

Truss systems and rigging accessories

Lighting technology and lighting design

Audio, film and studio technology

Acoustics and acoustic equipment

Stage effects

Management of cultural institutions

  • Administration
  • Public relations I Marketing
  • Science and research
  • Staff services
  • Public sector marketing

Institution | Publishing house | Education

Cultural institution

Association | Organisation

Educational institution

Agency | Authorities

Publishing house | Magazine



Stand TypePrice
Row stand (self-building area)129,00 € per m²
Corner Stand (self-building area)137,00 € per m²
Peninsula stand (self-building area)150,00 € per m²
Island stand (self-building area)159,00 € per m²


Stand TypePrice
Complete stand FirstTRY (4 m²) Download (PDF, 390 kB) 998 €
Complete stand "Info-Stand" (6 m²)770 €
Complete stand Trade press stand (6 m²)660 €

All prices plus statutory sales tax.

Presentation Options: Open Exhibition Space (from 8 m²)

  • Build your own stand
  • Stand package from Fairnet
  • Personalised stand construction by Fairnet

Your contact person for stand construction:

Yvonne Melinkow
Yvonne Melinkow
Stand construction: FAIRNET GmbH


Stand construction21 to 22.11.2022, from 7 am to 8 pm; 23.11.2022, 7 am to 3 pm
Duration of the trade fair24 to 26.11.2022
Stand dismantling26.11.2022, 4 pm to 10 pm 27 to 28.11.2022, 7 am to 8 pm
Opening hours for exhibitors and stand personell8:30 am to 7 pm (access during the trade fair only with valid exhibitor pass)
open to the general public24 to 26.11.2022, 9:30 am to 6 pm; 26.11.2022, 9:30 am to 4 pm
Traide fair calculator
Plan and budget for your traide fair appearance yourself.
Traide fair calculator
Just use our online registration.
Register booth
Logos, advertising banners and documents for denkmal for you to download.
Download documents
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Contact our team