Exhibitors Present Themselves: Zeutschel
For more than 60 years, Zeutschel has played a key role in the digitisation and long-term preservation of valuable cultural assets in museums, libraries and archives. The global industry leader for overhead scanners is currently introducing its newest product highlight, the OS A. Museums will now be able to digitise their complete collections with only a single scanner.
The overhead scanner employs selected semi-professional and professional digital cameras for the purpose. What makes it unique is Zeutschel's OmniScan 12 software at the heart of the OS A.
This controls the necessary camera settings as well as the overall image optimisation. Should the project settings change, OmniScan 12 automatically re-calibrates the scanner accordingly.
This enables users of OS A to ensure the main quality criteria for digital images such as exposure and colour rendering are met at all times. This results in reliably high-quality images that can be reproduced at any time and comply with industry standards such as the ISO Standard for Image Quality 19264-1.
A comprehensive selection of copyboard systems offers maximal flexibility and high productivity. Options include various book cradles and a backlight table. This allows for the digitisation of originals in a wide variety of formats, from books and documents to photos and slides and even paintings, coins and seals.
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