New Exhibition Areas: Stage Technology and Equipment, MuseumMerch and Accessibility
Three new exhibition areas celebrated their MUTEC premiere this year. The trade fair was extended to include companies operating in stage technology and equipment (in cooperation with the BHT Berliner Hochschule für Technik), museum merchandise (products and services for museum shops) and accessibility. All three areas were well received by trade visitors and exhibitors alike.
"We're here at MUTEC for the first time and were aiming to attract museum shop managers right from the start. It was an experiment for us to come to the fair and we were curious to see how many people would be interested in our products. We were pleasantly surprised that our stand was packed with visitors all the time and we established plenty of valuable new contacts with museums. By adding the area called "MuseumMerch" dedicated to museum merchandise to the MUTEC exhibition, Leipziger Messe did everything right. It was well worth us being here", says a satisfied Tilo Schmidt, Managing Director at Fridolin.
We will incorporate this and other positive feedback into our planning for MUTEC 2024 in order to further develop the selection of exhibition categories for this trade fair.